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What is Eastwest College?

Eastwest College of Intercultural Studies trains Christian workers to serve outside their own cultural context and to do so in culturally sensitive and effective ways.

Our Vision

It is our passion to see the Kingdom of God being established throughout the world, through the work of men and women trained and equipped to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ into every nation and culture.

Our Mission

Our goals are:

  • To provide high-quality training for men and women from Aotearoa New Zealand and from around the world to equip them for cross-cultural Christian work

  • To provide a cross-cultural Christian community in which students can grow in their faith and understanding of cultures other than their own

  • To deliver high quality academically recognised and accredited courses which will both teach a Bible-based understanding of the mandate for cross-cultural Christian service and provide practical skills to enable men and women to communicate cross-culturally

  • To develop strategic partnerships with those seeking to mobilise Māori and Pasifika into cross-cultural Christian service

  • To recruit staff for Eastwest Staff who are diverse in ethnicity, agency, generation, and cross-cultural ministry experience

College Ethos

Our programmes and community living are designed to develop Biblical knowledge, spiritual and emotional resilience, and relevant cross-cultural skills to serve effectively in another culture and thrive within a multi-cultural team.

Our goal is to develop Christians with:

  • A Bible-based understanding of the mandate for cross-cultural Christian service

  • An expanded worldview and the ability to see from the perspectives of others

  • Skills to step out of their own cultural context, and respectfully into another.

We achieve this through:

  • Applied classroom learning and ministry and mission related assessments

  • Practical cross-cultural ministries within the local area

  • Community living with a culturally diverse group of committed Christians

  • Pastoral care and vocational guidance by experienced staff

Statement of Faith

  • One God, Creator and Sustainer of all things, existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • The deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, his virgin birth and sinless life, his miracles, his atoning death on the cross for us, his bodily resurrection, his ascension to the right hand of the Father, his work as mediator, and his return in power and glory.

  • The ministry of the Holy Spirit to transform lives and empower for life and service.

  • The Holy Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy, and the ultimate authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

  • The sinfulness and guilt of all humanity since the fall, so that every person comes under God’s judgement.

  • Redemption through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and regeneration by the Holy Spirit as essential for salvation.

  • The justification of the sinner solely by the grace of God through faith in Christ.

  • Resurrection of the dead: those who are in Christ resurrected to a life forever with God and those who are outside of Christ resurrected to final judgement.

  • The unity in Christ of all believers who make up the Church, his body, which is his witness throughout the world.

We are thankful for the numerous mission organizations that collaborate with us, referring students and visiting onsite to engage with them, which offers students the chance to learn about various service opportunities.

Eastwest College of Intercultural Studies, a department of WEC Aotearoa New Zealand (registered charity CC27877), is registered as a private training establishment by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority under the provisions of the Education and Training Act 2020 and its subsequent amendments.