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Integrative Ministry Practicum

A practicum is part of the academic requirements at Level 6 and is only available to those who are studying in the level 6 program.  This is an opportunity to leave the campus and serve practically, applying learning up to this point. 

Placements may be either in New Zealand or overseas for a period of 2-4 weeks and are planned into the academic calendar for end September / beginning October.  

Costs for this practicum are in addition to the above course fees and students will need to make allowance for this additional cost.

Depending on the practicum option selected additional costs will vary from $150 for local practicums through to $3000 for longer overseas practicums.

Options include: 

  • A vision trip to a country/ activity of the student’s choosing

  • Or a team ministry nationally or internationally.

  • Active placement with ECM NZ

  • Active placement with WEC, participating in one of their Dive Into programs. 
    e.g - 2025: Buddhist Countries

    Any questions may be directed to

    N.B. Local options are available for those with financial or family restrictions, but we encourage prayer that God will provide for an expanded opportunity!